A Leslie Grant Documentary Coming Soon!

Self Discovery From The Inside Out:

My Journey

Guided breathing

Wisdom reading

Creative activity


Guided movement

Group sharing

The Process

Guided breathing to arrive in the present moment fully aware of mind, body, and spirit.

Wisdom reading to teach right thinking.

Creative activity to practice intuitive processing and cognitive reassessing.

Journaling to document any thoughts, feelings, or sensations that came up during the practice, and to integrate learning.

Brief guided movement to practice being in the body, and not just in our heads.

Optional group sharing to practice articulating, acknowledging and accepting.


Rhode Island School of Design Industrial Design students engaged in guided breathing exercises and practiced mindful, intuitive collage techniques. This approach allowed students to access previously untapped facets of their creativity, leading to improved outcomes in their class projects.


In Sanskrit, the term "mandala" translates to “sacred center” or “circle.” It symbolizes the universe and the quest for completeness and self-unity.

Doodling refers to the act of creating pictures or patterns while engaging in other thoughts. It serves as a simple and accessible method for exploring emotions or mental states without judgment.

The outcome is a form of self-expression utilizing line, shape, and color. Each individual interprets the personal insights they received from engaging in this experience.


The objective of this activity was to create a representative weaving inspired by the principles of Internal Family Systems. Participants were led through a meditation in which they envisioned all facets of themselves at a personal “family” gathering. They were then invited to create a weaving using yarn, ribbon, sticks, or other materials to symbolize various aspects of their identities or experiences. At the conclusion, one participant remarked, “Here’s my whole life in a weaving!”